Manhard provided civil, stormwater engineering, and permitting services to the client. The proposed panel installation will be constructed on a little used area of the property, a portion of which is located in the floodplain, and surrounding an existing detention facility. A wetland delineation was performed on the property, but no jurisdictional wetlands were found. While Kane County does not require detention to be provided for solar panel installation, Stormwater Volume reduction is required. The County has established a unique calculation methodology to determine the amount required.
The proposed design will incorporate a bio-swale planted with native vegetation to help infiltrate stormwater runoff and reduce stormwater volumes leaving the site. In addition, compensatory storage will be provided for any fill placed in the floodplain as part of this installation.
The project is currently in the Preliminary Engineering Phase, and is proposed to be constructed in Fall of 2020. Manhard will provide construction phase services to ensure compliance with all required soil erosion and sediment control regulations.